5 common solar myths to avoid and the truth behind them

Home According to the Climate of the Nation 2022 report, approximately 76% of Australians rank solar in their top three preferred sources of energy. Also, Australia is the world’s leader in solar uptake per capita, with approximately 1kW of solar installed per citizen¹. Despite the growth, there are still some common solar myths that may discourage homeowners […]

Why electricity prices have gone up and 4 ways to protect yourself

Man with glasses reading a high electricity bill

Home The Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO), in its National Electricity Market (NEM) snapshot, said wholesale costs soared 141 per cent in the first quarter of 2022 compared with the same period last year. This announcement is particularly worrying for households without solar, who are set to experience energy bill shock, with a significant increase in wholesale electricity prices […]

3 ways to save energy consumption as you work from home

Woman working from home

Home The impact of COVID-19 on the lives of millions has been unimaginable. Our work and personal lives have been turned upside down, as we continue to come to terms with coping with such significant change. One significant change resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic has been the shift to working from home. As social distancing […]

How does solar power work?

Solahart expert explains to home owners how solar energy works

Home Solar power is a great and proven way to reduce your energy bills, but have you ever wondered how it works? In this article, we will explore: How solar power works in providing electricity to your household; Why choosing solar power makes sense; and How you can store excess solar power for later use […]

Will my solar still work on cloudy or rainy days?

woman in the shower

Home Did you know that Australia has the highest solar radiation per square metre of any continent on the planet? At 58 million petajoules per year, it’s approximately 10,000 times larger than our total energy consumption1. Which is why for most Australians, using the abundant sunshine to power your home and heat your water makes so much […]

How much you could save with solar power in Australia

couple in bed with laptop

Home Solar panels are hard to miss right across Australia, with over 3 million households making the switch. Why is this the case? Australia has more sunshine per square metre than any other continent in the world¹, which makes going solar too good an opportunity to pass up. Your potential savings with solar power Australia […]

Why solar should be part of your next Home Renovation

Couple planning home renovations

Home Any home renovation is exciting. The anticipation of seeing the final result makes all the thinking, planning and work worth it. The ultimate goal of a renovation project, no matter how big or small, is to improve a home and see aspirational ideas come to life. This includes increasing its value, energy efficiency, and […]

How can I store my solar energy instead of sending it back to the grid?

woman standing next to Tesla car

Home How can I store my solar energy instead of sending it back to the grid? Drawing too much power from the grid can be a costly exercise. The Australian Government is predicting a 56% hike in power prices over the next two years, as consumers continue to feel the brunt of ongoing increases to […]

5 Questions to ask a potential solar provider

Happy family with young children

Home Choosing solar is a smart decision. By using the sun’s energy, you can reduce your grid energy usage, contribute to a sustainable future and enjoy peace-of-mind. However, it would help if you did your homework when selecting your solar provider. Approximately 700 solar companies have gone bust in Australia since 2011, leaving around 650,000 customers without […]

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